Hacking, Hardware, Projects, sirBones
Sir Bones gets a (meek) voice
Sir Bones has had a quiet life, constantly listening and not being able to say a word.
Today will change all that.
Sir Bones gets a voice (module).
All that is really needed is a speaker attached to a 3.5mm jack, but I prefer to have Sir Bones portable, so we'll be using a USB Sound card aka USB Voip Handset.
The Voip Handset is basically a USB Microphone and Speaker, but it has the added bonus of having 3.5mm sockets.
This is why a Voip handset has been chosen. As standard the their internal speaker is not powerful enough to be heard. So will needed to be replaced with a bigger speaker.
Now we need a bigger speaker. Something that can be heard. Musical Birthday cards are very loud and do not use to much battery power.
Quick re-soldering of the speaker on to its new connector.
Connect it all together and we're ready for a test.
For this test I used a streaming radio station, and played it through the speaker.
Holding the speaker in the air, the volume was a lower than expected, but putting on the table helped increase the volume.
After a successful test, it was time to try it out in Sir Bones.
The speaker isn't as loud as I had hoped, but it is loud enough for the time being.
Sir Bones has seen enough Hardware Hacking for the time being.
I have more hardware ideas for Sir Bones, but for now its time to look at software for Sir Bones.